
News Articles


Message from the Principal

Posted on: 13th Feb 2020

This week is already proving to be a really busy, but memorable one. 

We had Principals visiting the school from all over the country (Darlington and Tynemouth (Northumberland) Maidstone (Kent) and Littlehampton (West Sussex)) on Monday and Tuesday. All have taken ideas back to their schools and were very complimentary of the staff, students and facilities.

Yesterday was Life Day 2, with Year 7s involved in a team building recycling project in the hall or a STEM challenge. Year 8s had taster sessions, ahead of their pathway choices deadline (2/3/20). Year 9s were involved in house competitions. Year 10s had sessions on careers, motivation and preparation for their English Literature GCSE. Year 11s had sessions on revision techniques ahead of their PPEs.

Thursday and Friday also look really busy - the students and staff will have definitely earned half-term when it comes!


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