
Our House System

Our House System

All staff and students at St Peter’s CofE Academy are part of a house. There are four houses to which we all belong. These are Wedgwood, Spode, Bridgewater and Gladstone.

Our house names were chosen by our students who voted on the theme they thought best represented us as an academy, they chose the names Wedgwood, Spode, Bridgewater and Gladstone based on their Stoke-on-Trent heritage.



The house systems main focus is to promote both inclusion as well as healthy competition centred on the Christian Core Values. It is very important that all students feel part of a team and confident in taking part in activities outside of their normal academic studies.

The house system is led by both staff and student leaders.

House competitions are weekly and have 3 main focus

  1. Faculty competitions 
  2. Non-sport competitions
  3. Sport competitions

All staff must continually promote the importance of the house system and students taking part in competitions. The variety of competitions is to promote greater inclusion for all students at St Peter’s CofE Academy.  All competitions will award reward points as prizes.

1st place: 1000 points

2nd place: 750 points

3rd place: 500 points

4th place: 250 points

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